Sunday, October 28, 2007


What is self-control? Is it simply being able to control our actions? I don't think so. It has more to do with a particular mindset. A mindset that says "I know what I am able to handle, and I am going to make sure that I stay far away from that line." I wonder what boundaries we don't listen to? Which ones we push...and don't even realize it. For some of us it may be just looking through a magazine and seeing a picture. Then we need to avoid looking through that magazine so we can keep ourselves pure. Always know what boundaries you need, and stick to them. Don't feel stupid, or weak, or anything else. Keep them up.


Emily Anne said...

good word on's not about how far you can go without breaking the rule, it's about how pure you can remain.

M said...

*sigh* Oh self control, you are a much beloved creature that I wish I could not need for a bit...
Maybe a day? Or a week?
Alas...but I need you every day my bittersweet bedfellow...

(good post, by the way :D)