Saturday, December 22, 2007


hmmm...Mary Poppins
Said that was the word
For all occasions.
Somehow, I have to
Disagree with her.
That is my word, for
It allows me to look
Forward to the future,
While preparing for
What happens in present.
While my present isn't
Something I enjoy, I
Have the promise that it
Will get better. I
Can't express the tremendous
Relief that brings to my life.
Tisn't only that I will
Soon be returned to those I
Love...Oh no! I look
Forward to facing the new
Challenges that are coming.
I see far off.
They look black as night,
But in my hand is another.
This hand is large and
Warm. It shaped the moon.
It holds the seas in check.
This hand will stay in
Mine no matter what.
That is why I look
To the future. This
Present I have is indeed
A tremendous Present!
I can do with it what
I want. It does not control

Isn't it wonderful?!?!

Saturday, December 8, 2007


As l wait...hmmm
Wait, it's what we do
As human beings.
We wait to grow up;
Wait for love;
Wait for the
Right job; Wait
For children.
When will we
Start living
For what we
Have now?
I have the clouds.
The smell of fall.
The love of friends.
The hope of rest.
I have enough.
And will stop